To all of our loyal followers,
With great sadness we announce that following our wonderful finale concert on 20th December, the choir will be ending in it's current form in Bristol. Thank you to all who came and celebrated with us. We raised a whopping £1600 to be split between St Mungo's homeless charity and Citizens of the World Choir - a choir for refugees and asylum seekers.
Our director Heg has now moved out of the city to Devon and despite the will and ambition to keep the choir running, the pressures of commuting for rehearsals and an increasingly busy schedule with other work have made it impossible to keep the choir running.
This has been an enormously difficult decision but ultimately, the choir must always reflect the ethos we have spent eight years building and it must not be at the detriment of anyone’s wellbeing.
The last eight years have been an incredible journey! Starting in a tiny hall with around 12 members we have built a community of 45 singers who have always aimed high, worked hard and sung with skill and passion. The pride and determination felt within the group has been a pleasure and a joy to be part of.
There are so many highlights. From gigs on boats floating around Bristol harbour to festival stages and huge sell out concerts. We’ve raised thousands for charities at our concerts and supported local causes. We won the Heart FM choir competition and with the prize money we produced an EP ‘Within the Sound’ which features some of our favourite arrangements and artwork from one of our own singers Oli Brady. The EP received some fantastic reviews! We’ve sung everything folk from traditional to contemporary folk to Kate Bush to pop-disguised-as-folk to 80’s and 90’s classics which weren’t folk at all! We’ve had endless fun at rehearsals and even more fun at our pub sings. As a non-auditioned choir of untrained singers (who trained very hard!), we are all bursting with pride at the achievements we’ve accomplished over the course of our time together.
Most of all though, The Great Sea Choir has been a glowing light of community and friendship in hard times and good times and the extended community of supporters, you, have been part of that with us. Thank you so much for your support, encouragement and being part of the journey.
That sense of friendship and passion is reflected within the remaining group of singers who are going to be taking the community forward with a new name, identity, leader and an exciting new future. We will be sure to let you know about that off-shoot choir as soon as possible.
Heg will be moving forward to new adventures too with her partner in life and music Julu Irvine. The Great Sea Choir name will continue with a new group in Plymouth directed by the pair. If you are Devon based (or know someone who is) who might like to join a brand new Great Sea Choir community, then send us an email to info @ (spaces removed).
With love, sadness, gratitude and excitement for future adventures,
Heg and all the singers in The Great Sea Choir x